To distinguish the well-executed from the well-meant, we employ the concept of “best practice.” The notion is not strictly defined in a scientific sense. However, we work with partners in academia to review the quality of every initiative we cover.
Best practice examples include charismatic peacemakers; projects supporting the nonviolent coexistence of people of differing appearance, origins, and cultures; peace agreements in areas affected by civil war; the integration of youth through sports; professional mediators; work with traumatized children; reconstruction in former war zones; help for refugees; and pacification of urban gang warfare.
We concentrate on regions where conflicts are ongoing or have recently ended. Peace Counts seeks to counterbalance war reporting with peace reporting. Our features have appeared in print media including: Sonntag aktuell, brand eins, natur & kosmos, Focus, Publik Forum, the daily Frankfurter Rundschau, Datum, Integral, and ver.di publik, as well as on the German state-supported radio stations WDR, HR, NDR, and the Deutsche Welle.